Our brochure series cover a range of topics both classical and contemporary themes. Our sole aim is to convey Islam in a comprehensive way yet keeping it simple and easy for the masses. We print and distribute across Australia through multiple channels like Dawah stalls, Mosque open days, letter box drop, postal services, Uni Islamic groups etc
We sent out brochures through a paid service of Aus-post directly in the mail box, targeting small towns and cities across Australia.
We constantly need your support for this initiative. Click here to learn more and be part of this initiative
You can request brochures to be delivered to your doorstep which can be dropped in letter boxes in your neighbourhood Order your box of mix brochures now info@giftaQuran.com.au
$1 will print 15 brochures Your support is just a click away
If you are part of an organization or MSA and want to order in bulk please email us at info@giftaQuran.com.au